A group dedicated to Digital Market Analysis, its evolutions and opportunities for Operators and Users, both public and private.
NetConsulting cube is the group holding company that consists of:
- NetConsulting, a consulting and analysis company operating in IT, Tlc and Media market; since 1999 it offers support to the decisions of Suppliers, Users Companies, Associations and Institutions of our Country;
- Sirmi, a company acquired in April 2015 and operative since 1976, with a deep know-how in IT market; it offers market analysis and structured marketing consulting; it is member of EMIG (European Market Intelligence Group);
- Snapsource, a company and software platform created in April 2016 to facilitate the intersection between the demand and the innovative offer of technology solutions;
- Inno3, a new b2b publication, speaking critically about technologies, scenarios, and processes of digital market.
Sirmi and NetConsulting cube are member of Assoconsult (Confindustrial Association of Consulting Companies) in order to support in particular the investiments in Industry 4.0 by End Users Companies.
After four years in Gartner and a previous experience in Nomos Ricerca, at the age of 32 she co-founded NetConsulting assuming from 2005 to 2015 the role of General Director and member of the Board. In 2015 she became Chief Executive Officer of NetConsulting cube and President of Sirmi, of which in August 2016 she also became Chief Executive Officer. In April 2016 she created
Snapsource, whose she is Member, President and Chief Executive Officer.
She coordinates and is active in Consulting to Users Companies and Suppliers, supporting them in Process and Product innovation. Since 1992, she drafted the Report for Assinform, the Confindustria Digitale Association. She led the Digital Market Review Team.
Since 2011 she has set up a monitoring and scouting service for innovative companies and international and Italian start-up supporting user companies, investment funds and suppliers.
In recent years, she has focused on the support to the creation of Concept of new products and services incorporating new technologies and supporting acquisition processes of ICT and innovative companies by Institutional Funds, especially in the IoT, Industry 4.0 and 3D Printing sectors.
She supports AIMAN Association, Assosport with Ca’ Foscari, AISIS, FIDAInform, EUCACS on Warfare and Cybersecurity.
She is a member of DEL (Digital Enterprise Lab) created by Ca’ Foscari University, supporting on IoT themes.
She is an Independent Adviser in the Board of some ICT companies and, for those listed, she has a chair as an Independent Adviser, the Related Party Committee.
In particular, since May 2015 she has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Acsm-Agam, with the role of Vice President. She is chaired by the Risk Control Committee and the Related Committee. Hierarchically she is the representative for the Internal Audit function.
She co-founded in 2009 the no-profit Association Prospera (Progetto Speranza). In the same year she co-authored the book "L'Impresa Web", edited by F. Angeli.
From March 2013 to December 2015, she was a member of the AICA Central Board of Directors. She studied Lyric singing at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan. She graduated in Bocconi with the highest marks in Political Economy with international title..